Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Roses and Turkeys

There's a post on my blog about the three years' succession of knockout roses in our side yard, but they are so beautiful right now I wanted to put a pic. on here also.
Also - although they're difficult to get a picture of, we have three wild turkey hens living in our backyard and in the woods behind the yard (you can see the general area in the small area at right in the picture above). Occasionally one or more will come all the way out to the road - it's a little disconcerting, and also fun, to look out the kitchen window and see a turkey walking between our house and the neighbor's! We've put some shelled corn out, way back by the woods, to keep them coming. Fortunately, since they are hens, Mary Lee or Mike by law can't find them at the end of a shotgun.


Perry said...

They are truly beautiful! What a wonderful time of year.---Carol

clevekath said...

A good name for the roses because they are "knockout" beautiful. I'm still amazed, too, at Mike's landscaping abilities & projects, as Kathleen and I witnessed back in
January. I wish all the Klops could see your whole yard, pool, etc.

Ada said...

Your flowers are beautiful. Mine are just developing green leaves so it'll be a while.