Monday, April 2, 2012

Out of Kid's Mouths

Tania Dutton had the younger students at LCCS make cards to send for my birthday. I appreciate each one even though some of the names were unfamiliar. Most of the comments were the typical ones you would expect but several were amusing such as:

"I hope you like South Carolina and have many friends."
"Tell Bro. Lynn Hi!"
"Tell Bro. Lynn I love him."
"I hope you enjoy having time with Bro. Lynn."
The clincher was from an autistic eleven year old: "I missed you a little but not much." He was honest!


Ada said...

So funny. It had to be fun to read them. You never know what a child will say.

When I was teaching high school kids in El Paso, ocassionally someone wouldask me how old I was and I'd say "how old do you think I am". Their answers would range from 25 to 70+ - and I think they were being serious. I was 35-50 at the time.

Nog Blog said...

Gotta love it!

Nog Blog said...

Gotta love it!

Tim - Cathy said...

Reminds me of a first grader at Prairie School. Teacher wrote an assignment on the board for the kids to make a card for Elmer, who had bone cancer. Michael wrote this poem on his card:

Dear Elmer Bone Cancer,
I know it hurts to the bone,
But you are not alone.
Jesus loves you,
And I do, too.
Go Elmer Go!


rk2 said...

Hey, it's those that you remember.

Mom has had several interesting comments from children it seems. I remember her telling about talking with a little girl at church and the exchange went something like this:

Mom: What's your name?
Little girl: (gave her name)
Little Girl: What's your name?
Mom: Mrs. K. How old are you?
Little Girl: 4. How old are you?