Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It Doesn't Add Up!

Mom gave me a Woman's World magazine, which I was looking through this morning. It is full of tips and hints from gift-giving, to cleaning, to food and dieting. This is what I found out: If I drink diet soda I will have a 70% larger waist in 10 years. Does that mean if I stop drinking diet soda I will have a 70% smaller waist in 10 years?? If I read novels I will experience a 68% drop in stress. If I chew 40 times per bite, I will eat 12% fewer calories at a meal. If I drink 64 oz of water daily I will cut my risk of colon, breast, and bladder cancer 45% or more. If I have 20 minutes of daily sun exposure I reduce the risk of breast cancer 36%. And if I do it in the morning, I can cut my risk of skin cancer as much as five-fold! If I eat one clove of garlic daily I will cut my risk of digestive-tract cancers by 30%, and 1/2 cup of daily strawberries prevents up to 75% of the damage caused by carcinogens and toxins. I should also switch to unscented laundry products. I can cut my cancer risk another fivefold by having a few close friends. Eating 2 Brazilian nuts daily can cut my risk of pancreatic cancer 33% or more. If I snack on 1/2 cup of soy nuts daily I can lower my blood pressure as much as 10% in eight weeks...and sipping cherry juice will give me an extra 20 minutes of sleep a night. If I'm constipated I could become a bed-wetter! I stopped on pg. 16 because I don't think I can stand to get any healthier than this!


Nog Blog said...

Oh wow! The posting and commenting process looks different. I could not get it to post the way I typed it in. It's a bit of a search to find the edit section. Good luck!

Alice said...

It would make me dizzy just trying to keep up with all this stuff.
The cherry juice thing made me laugh.

Perry said...

Thanks for the smile and chuckle! I enjoy your way with words.

Mama Runner said...

I always get annoyed when media report that something (red wine, dark chocolate, etc) reduces the risk of death. Um, no it doesn't. The risk of death is 100%, always has been, always will be. It may reduce the risk of EARLY death or death from a particular CAUSE, but chocolate eaters and wine drinkers will still die.

Ada said...

You didn't know about all these ideas? They really work. I've been doing all this for about 20 years and the results are amazing! I look good, feel great, shimmering complexion, gorgeous hair, sleep well, slim waistline, etc, etc, etc. I say "go for it, Judy"!

clevekath said...

Interesting. I may try to achieve some of these. One just has to DO IT. Currently, I get most of my exercise by watching the sports programs on TV. I figure money can't buy health, but it can buy a nice car for the doctor's wife.
On 2nd thought, maybe Jen is right.

rk2 said...

Well I read 4 books last week although only one was a novel and the others were non-fiction and my stress was greatly reduced. Although it was probably because I was reading them on the beach!