Monday, April 9, 2012


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We went to the annual Easter Breakfast at the Fellowship where we enjoyed delicious food, great music from a mixed group, and an inspirational message from Doug Wettstein. Then we went to church for the morning service.

We had a lovely dinner and enjoyed the afternoon with Jason and his family and Angela and her family. I must say that Zac is almost as tall as Jason! Noah and Miles have also grown since we last saw them. Of course, Nathan is in gloryland when he can spend a few hours with his cousins.

I spent last week and this morning finishing another quilt. I think I'm going to have to make one for myself one of these days.

 Here I'm trimming the batting and backing to fit the quilt top. Notice the points that are sewn on to the top.
 Here I'm folding/pressing/and pinning the back to the top. 
The last step was hand-stiching the back to the top - impossible to take a picture of myself doing that, but here is the finished product. There is also a small 4-square wall-hanging.


rk2 said...

Wow, what beautiful work. The pointed edge (not sure what it is called) is really impressive.

Regarding Easter my church has a Thursday evening communion service and a Good Friday service focusing on the death of Christ which all leads up to the joy of Sunday celebrating the resurrection.

A holiday from family is always difficult, but I spent the day with Renae's family. Her mother even included me with a chocolate bunny! We had asparagus from our garden which I think is a first for East dinner. It's amazing how early it is.
Cleve, my rhubarb is looking pretty good for so early in the year as well.

Nog Blog said...

That is a lot of work. And a dying art. I hope they appreciate you!

Perry said...

Ada, you do such beautiful work. Your talent is amazing. We had a picnic for our family Easter get together. We met in Lacon at a park and picked up chicken and coleslaw from IGA. All I fixed was baked beans. Elizabeth, Charity and Joan brought the rest. What an easy meal! The cousins enjoyed playing on playground equipment, making sand castles and and had the most fun playing (non tackle) football.---Carol

mim said...

Ada, you absolutely amaze me with your ambition and your talents. Right now I'm struggling to get the sewing machine out (lots of bother) to hem a tablecloth.

Sounds like you had a nice Easter family dinner. This was the first Easter affair in my memory in which there was not one dyed Easter egg or even candy egg at the get together at the Medlens. Everyone present except six month Emma was an adult and past the egg hunting stage. Nevertheless we thoroughly enjoyed being with the Medlens and the Batemans (Whitney's future in-laws).

Ada said...

Well, Mim - we had plastic Easter Eggs filled with candy for everyone and they were mostly empty when everyone was gone. Also had some deviled eggs which was supposed to count as Easter eggs. I felt kinda bad when Nathan walked in and first thing he said was "Are we going to color Easter Eggs?" and I had to say "no"!

Ann said...

Love your quilting. I could never be so careful and precise like you are. Great talent.

Ann said...

Ada - are those blocks cross-stitched and then quilted around the cross-stitching? Trying to figure out how that is put together--