Friday, February 3, 2012

Dad's Party

I thought you might enjoy seeing a couple of pictures from Dad's birthday party last Sunday. All those who could make it had a nice time. The only negative was that Mother had a bad toothache, but fortunately after a dental visit on Monday was able to take care of the problem without it requiring more treatment. But she didn't feel very good during the party.

Right after he blew out his candles:

Dad with his new cap and his Moonpies from Mark and family. The cap says "When in doubt - Mumble!"
I think he looks pretty dapper for a ____-year-old man!


Staci said...

Lynn, Have you downloaded Angry Birds to your iPad yet? One of our favorite games!

Nog Blog said...

Is that why I hear mumbling around the house!?

Ada said...

He is definitely VERY DAPPER for a __-year old man. Love you, Lynn.

Ada said...

Ummm - I actually thought my hair was kinda cute back in the day . . .

LynnK said...

Yes--Angry Birds is quite a game. It is new to me but I enjoyed playing a slingshot game "out of the gate.". Thank you, Staci, for the introduction. Always good to hear from you!