Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Decoration

With everyone starting to decorate for Christmas I thought I'd share a picture of this decoration that Grandma K. made. I don't remember when I got it or if Grandma gave it to me or Mom, but I'm glad I have it. For several years it was the only "tree" I put up in my Christmas decorating.Once I remember studying it for quite awhile to try to determine the order in which she sewed on the circles.



Carol said...

My guess is that she sewed them at random. She told me once that when she would piece a quilt, she would do some squares different to make the quilt unique. The one she gave us for a wedding gift, has a couple squares that aren't the same as the rest. Her talent in doing handwork was amazing! I wish I would have asked her to teach me to tat.

Ann said...

I remember that wall hanging.

I would have liked to have learned how to tat from her as well.