Saturday, October 29, 2011


All my cupboards, pantry and refrigerator are "bursting" with food. So I decided not to go buy any more food until we eat what is here. So . . . all week I have gone to the cupboard, found something, and made it! We've actually had some really good meals.

Minute steaks one night, macaroni w/breadcrumbs on top, fruit cocktail/marshmallow salad and butterscotch pudding. Made too much macaroni so last night when Nathan was here, I heated it up with cheesewhiz and it was about the best macaroni and cheese I've every had. Gonna remember that one. Also had baked apples and chicken with that meal. Another meal was bbq'd pork cutlets, green beans, cole slaw and toasted buns - and butterscotch pudding.

We've had no bread all week BUT there were 3 packages of hamburger buns in the freezer and we are using them as our bread. As usual when he's at our house, this morning Nathan wanted cinnamon toast for breakfast. I said "we have no bread, but are using buns instead." He said he didn't want that and I said "tough" - it's the same as bread, just round instead of square." He ate it all gone.

I have some sandwich meats and eggs on hand so I think I can go another two or three weeks - it's kind of a fun challenge. And we're actually eating better then usual and I haven't had a complaint yet! I did have to go get some milk and orange juice - but walked right past everything else. OH, and I stole a couple apples and bananas from Angela's house yesterday when we picked up Nathan. Sorry Ang.

Grandpa has Nathan at the park now - and I better get busy here. Trying to think of something fun to with him today.


Nog Blog said...

So I went to my pantry cupboard. I pulled out a can of red beets and ate them. Sorry, but I'll be grocery shopping Monday morning.

Ada said...

Yuck!! I wouldn't eat red beets - but Jerry would love them. In fact have one can in the cupboard that will be used within a few days.

Cleve said...

Beets are about the only thing that makes me gag. And, congrats on your determination to clean out the pantry, freezer, and fridge and start over. I love that idea!

Mim said...

I decide every other week that there will be no grocery shopping this week--we'll just eat up the inventory. Lynn always laughs at that. Then the grocery ads are so enticing, my resolve evaporates. Of course, I love Publix's penny coupon (it rids my gambling instincts) and their Wednesday senior discount. The one who said you never save $ by spending $ was wrong.

Mim said...

Try, I think, Betty Klopfenstein's recipe for Harvard beet in the Klop cook book. Our children love them and we usually have them at Christmas.

rk2 said...

Many Wednesdays I call Mom and Dad just to find out wht the penny coupon was!

You made me laugh about stealing fruit from Angela's.

Alice said...

I better put my ten cents worth in about the beets too. I like them just with butter and salt. However, I could never eat a whole can of them.
I like to buy them at the Farmers Market in the summer.

Ann said...

I think it's so funny how a post about not grocery shopping turns into a discussion about who likes beets. Great stuff! For the record, I like them! Either plain or cooked like the Harvard beets recipe in the cookbook.

rk2 said...

I like pickled beets too but best is when Mom makes Harvard beets for Christmas!

Alice said...

I decided to clean out the freezer on top of the frig. today. I found 6 boxes of frozen rhubarb that I forgot were there. So I just made a rhubarb cake - just took it out of the oven. Keith wanted a taste and said it was delicious. I also found 2 containers of split pea soup, so we are having it for supper. I know that some of you are probably turning up your nose at the soup, but we like it.