Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kansas City Zoo

Jesse is feeding the birds.

Timon, Anna and Carter

Carter, Anna, Timon & Jesse

When each of our grandchildren are seven, I take them on the train from Galesburg to KC. August 15th was Carter and Anna's turn. (You can tell they're both seven when you notice the missing front teeth.) We spent the next day at the zoo and Carter and I returned home the following morning. It was a special time! ---Carol


rk2 said...

Love traditions like this. I bet you look forward to it like the kids do. What a fun trip, and it looks as if everyone had a great time.

Nog Blog said...

Pretty brave to get on a camel. They're a little more unpredictable than elephants, I think. Spitting can be involved!

Ada said...

Well! this is the third time I've tried to comment on these adorable pictures, but every time, it asked for my password and then just disappeared! Hmmm.

It looks like they are really having a good time. And I'm sure Carter and Anna will always remember the train ride.

Ada said...


Ann said...

Carol, I always enjoy your grandchildren posts. You take good pictures and have such enjoyable visits with your family.