Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Rest of the Story...

See the pics below of Jake's fish. This is how he caught it...

We caught it “Hoggin” in the Mackinaw river over by Hopedale. “Hoggin” has been a tradition in Malissa’s family since her grandpa Campbell was very young. In the depression days they did not have much to eat so he went out to the river and caught fish by hand under rocks and slabs. We went out last night and found this one. four of us blocked it in under a big concrete chunk and put it on a stringer. No poles hooks or bait. We have a video that was made that tells the Hoggin history of the Williams and Campbell families if anyone is interested in getting a copy! Jake


Ann said...

Wow, Mike will be impressed! We watch stuff like that on the National Geographic channel!!!

Cleve said...

I've seen videos and read articles on Hoggin' and it is a sport most daring men would not even try. I notice Jake has on gloves - because hands and arms can get a little bloody for a true 'hogger'.
Way to go, Jake.

Ada said...

Sounds a little wild and crazy!! But fun for those who are adventuresome.

rk2 said...

I'll stick with a rod and reel! But sounds Jake and company have fun. Jaimie and her husband TJ have promised to take me bow fishing when I'm in AL.

marym said...

Last weekend, Jaimie told me that TJ had gone Hoggin'. I had no clue - I thought there must be wild pigs in the area!!! So, thanks for the education, Jake . . . I'll need it to save face with my new son-in-law!