Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I had Mom to the doctor today for a 6-month check-up. She got a glowing report and is physically doing very well. Then here comes the memory test. It was her first one ever. She had a hard time hearing and understanding the questions, but in the end her answers were mostly correct. When it came to "Repeat these three words after me," the doctor had to repeat them several times until Mom could even hear what she was saying. "Apple, table, penny."

After several more questions, she asked Mom, "Can you repeat the words I said earlier?" Mom couldn't figure out what she was supposed to do, so after more instructions, the doctor finally said, "Do you" Mom was blank. Then, dread the thought, the doctor looked at me and said, "Can you remember them?"

Mom and I both got 26 out of 30 on the memory test.


Ada said...

Judy, you are hilarious!! I'll be chuckling to myself all evening.

Maria said...

I agree with Aunt are a great story teller! Thanks for sharing :)

rk2 said...

Same thing happened to my friends whose 93 year old mother was being tested to move into assisted living!