Tuesday, June 21, 2011


About 10 minutes ago, I looked out the front door and there was a very large, BLACK cloud. I had to take a picture. This picture is from our driveway looking south. As Jerry and I were standing in the drive, he said to me "listen" - and we heard the raindrops in the cornfield across the street towards Meiss's house. We hurried to go in - we can't really "run" anymore - and barely got in the front door when it began pouring. Didn't last long, but it was one of several rains in the last couple hours - and maybe more to come.

The next picture is two quilts that I put together in Florida a couple years ago and last year had the ladies quilt them for me. I finally finished the binding on them. I'd say the little one is a little girl's doll/play blanket and the larger one might fit a jr-size or twin bed, but is probably just good as a picnic or beach blanket.

The next blanket is finished and ready for a lady in Pontiac who is a regular "client" of ours. This is called the Tree of Life. It turned out very nice. It is the first one that I completed the binding on the sewing machine instead of by hand. Sure was a lot easier and faster and I think it looks good.

And, last but not least, is Ann's garage sale quilt. Sorry it took me so long Ann. I actually think it turned out looking pretty good. The picture is kinda dark so a little hard to see, but I used a tan border that kinda brought all the colors together. If you want it, I'll send it to you. If not, I'll probably keep it for awhile and eventually give it to World Relief.


Mim said...

Gorgeus quilts--all of them. Wonder what story goes with the yard sale quilt. We'll never know!

Your Gridley clouds look quite formidable to me, especially with all the tornadoes of this spring.

Ada, how is the pleurisy?

Ada said...

I'm fine - whatever I had is gone. I attribute that to the antibiotic they gave me, and I'm back to normal.

Nog Blog said...

I could see that cloud all the way from Bloomington, I think! It was really dark up your way!

rk2 said...

Different cloud but same thing here. Two friends and I went out to eat and then to a Raleigh Ringers concert. (If you ever have the chance to hear them, you want to!)

We walked into the restaurant and looked at a huge black cloud. While we ate it rained as I haven't seen it rain for a long time. Thankfully it quit in time for us to leave and get to the concert. It poured again during the concert but again was done when we needed to leave.

Ada said...

Rhoda, who are the Raleigh Ringers? What kind of music?

Cleve said...

You can go to their website, youtube, or just Google. I did and they are a facinating group.
As for the weather, there are five kinds of weather -- spring, summer, fall, winter, and unusual. We've been having constant cumulous rain clouds - and rain. I can't understand why it's still raining -- the weekend is over. I've concluded that walking in the rain is only fun when you don't have to.

Nog Blog said...

Cleve - Unusual, or weird, or strange.

To the rest - It's a Catherine thing.

Maria said...

After the huge deadly tornado in Joplin, MO (about 2 hours from us) I have a growing respect for (actually fear of) tornadoes! I would not like to see that cloud out my window!

rk2 said...

Raleigh Ringers are a premier community handbell choir from NC. They do all types of music on handbells and use more techniques than I could imagine. Many have been ringing since they were children so community group doesn't give them justice.

They have a show that is on PBS quite often around the holidays or the fundraising times I think.

Ann said...

Wow - the garage sale quilt turned out beautifully. (I found a quilt top at a sale and asked Ada if she knew of any use for it.) You can give it to World Relief as I've got plenty of blankets.

I actually got two quilt tops at the sale, but a former student asked for one of them. They were pieced in probably the '50s, and the fabrics are typical of that time period. They were a little musty but were really interesting to look at - it was obvious that someone who was used to being really frugal put them together. Even some of the pieces were pieced.