Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Reading

We went to the library this week to sign up for the summer reading program. While the boys were making their book selections I went upstairs to find something for myself, but didn't see anything that really caught my eye. So I came home and pulled one off my own bookshelf - an easy read. Last summer I read a lot of Jane Austen novels and also checked out several books from my Mom's basement library. I know we have had posts on this before, so I thought I would ask again. What books are on your summer reading list? Any good recommendations?


Staci said...

I still need to get my reading list together!

Here is a link to a pdf on making the bottle launcher I was telling you about.

Cleve said...

I'm not much of a reader, but a friend loaned me a copy of an autobiography of 16-year mayor of Peoria Jim Maloof (who helped start St. Jude's clinic in Memphis with Danny Thomas). It's non-fiction and a real tear-jerker, the kind I like.
I bought a book awhile back on weight-loss and in no time at all I realized that what I lost was the price of the book.

Nog Blog said...

On my table right now is Heritage of Faith, a textbook of the history of the church, with emphasis on the AC church. Also Sunrise on the Amazon, a book presented by a couple from church who are going to the Amazon as missionaries.

The Jim Maloof book is now on my "to be borrowed" list, if Cleve will share it. Sounds like something I would like to read.

mim said...

Last week "The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution" by Jonathon Sarfati arrived and even though some of it is too deep for me, the summaries at the end of each chapter are tremendous. I hope to learn much even if I can remember only a portion.

The book goes head to head with Richard Dawkins and his recent book "The Greatest Show on Earth: the evidence for evolution."

Carol said...

To help fill the hours of sitting in the hospital with Perry II, I read the first book in the Anne of Green Gables series. Even though I already knew the story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I'd like to read the ones that follow.

Shelley S said...

Staci, I just looked up that link and it looks SO COOL. I think we'll celebrate Father's Day with a rocket launch! Thanks for sharing it.

rk2 said...

I'm still trying to read Radical by David Platt, the book Mom and Dad gave everyone for Christmas. I also have a James Michener book to read in preparation for my trip this fall; it's about Middle East archaeology. I also just got "The Millionaire Next Door" downloaded on my Kindle.

Ann said...

Well, so far I've gotten through a copy of Paula Deen's cooking magazine, a couple of Taste of Homes, and a 1988 Reader's Digest. Sorry to not be of much help in the reading department these days. . .

Drake said...

I got a Kindle a while ago so have been reading a ton more than usual. Just finished Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I'm re-reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and also trying again to get through Moby Dick (one of these times I"ll make it). None of these could be considered a beach read! Also reading some work related books. I'd recommend reading Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand - unbelievable true life story of Louis Zemperini.

Ann said...

Drake - if you can make it through MOBY DICK you will have my highest admiration.

rk2 said...

Drake, my friend just finished Unbroken over Memorial Day and highly recommended it.

Alice said...

I have read The Thorn and The Judgment by Beverly Lewis. I have quite a few "choice" books about the amish.
Keith is on the fifth volume of The Second World War by Winston Churchill. He has one volume left.