Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Good Morning - well, "afternoon" actually. Yesterday afternoon, I had some mild discomfort in the left side of my chest that lasted for an hour or so then went away. Then about 9 0'clock, it came back but was much worse. In fact it was very painful with any little move I made. I tried to lay down, but couldn't. I figured it was one of two things - heart attack or a failure of some sort of my reconstructed breast. We finally decided about 10:30 to go to the emergency room at St. Joe's.

They were very busy so I had to sit in triage for about an hour when a nurse called me and took my information and gave me an EKG which, thankfully, was fine as were all other vitals. So I went back to the waiting room to wait for a doctor - another hour or so! Went through the routine of blood tests, x-ray, inserting an IV line (which was never used) etc. I had to lay very still as any movement was quite painful. The finally determined that I had a "breast inflammation".

Well, we waited, waited, waited - finally got a little impatient and got somewhat upset with the nurse and told them to do what they could and let me go home! She got an order of vicodan from the dr. which immediately put me in "lala land". The dr. came in and explained that she had been busy with an accident victim with a two broken knees and a broken neck and other injuries.

Finally at 4:30 we left, stopped at Walgreens to pick up vicodan and an antibiotic, and got home at 5:30. I tried to lay in bed, but couldn't so I slept in the recliner. I've been sleeping most of the time since then. That vicodan is good stuff!! I have an appointment at 3:30 tomorrow with Dr. Allen - the plastic surgeon who did the reconstruction 12 years ago. In the meantime, I'll be fairly comfortable with my little pills and will update you when I know more.


Nog Blog said...

What a night! I hope your appt goes well, and that in the meantime you get some relief, and not another miserable night. Praying the remedy will not be difficult.

Drake said...

Glad to see you're well enough to post, Mom. Get some rest! Beautiful weather here today would be nice if you can sit comfortably outside!

Carol said...

Waiting around at the hospital when you need relief can be quite frustrating! I hope it gets fixed soon!

LynnK said...

Well, young lady, you take care. Sorry to hear of your discomfort and hospital episode. Mim and I hope you will overcome this quickly and in the meantime will be praying for you and Jerry--specifically about the problem.

Alice said...

Feeling sorry for you Ada.
Hope Dr. Allen will have a fast solution. We are praying for you!

Ann said...

If you can write a post that is that lucid while under the effects of Vicodan, I am impressed!

Sure hope you get an answer tomorrow. And we're praying for you here also.

Cleve and Kathleen said...

What a night! ER experiences can be a real test of forbearance, not to mention the pain and discomfort being experienced. We are thinking of you and hoping for full recovery quickly.