Tuesday, April 12, 2011


You never know what you might see as you look out the window. With the warmer, sunny, beautiful spring weather, we've seen our neighbor farmer working the ground, birds building nests, kids on bikes, walkers, joggers, etc., etc. These pictures definitely take "first prize" in our book - and will speak for themselves. Enjoy!


Ada said...

Sorry thee pictures aren't getting bigger when clicked on! Or is it working on your computer? I even took them off and reposted - still won't work.

rk2 said...

I cannot enlarge the pictures either.

Cleve said...

I immediately tried to enlarge the pics -- no luck. But fascinating photos nonetheless. It looks as if they even stopped and posed for you. You are quick with the camera - but also a good excuse to be outside in today's beautiful Illiois weather.

Ada said...

I'll repost this tomorrow - too lazy now - and maybe it will work. I did it just like I always do. I'll keep you guessing as to who is in the pictures - you'll be amazed when (and if) you can see them. :)