Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fun Saturday Morning

The Jockey Lot is supposedly the world's largest flea market and is located about ten miles from where we live. We wanted to go because Charlene Hozie had told Lynn that Marguerite Zupansic's son Joe had a caramel corn concession/booth there on Saturdays and Sundays. For you of the next generation, Charlene and Marguerite are daughters of Aunt Florence Krones, who was Grandma Anna Klopfenstein's youngest sister. Joe and his wife live in a nearby town and have been in this area for quite some time. Joe had a successful stucco building business but stucco fell into poor repute in South Carolina; hence the caramel corn booth. We watched Joe make the carmel popcorn and purchased two big bags, which are delicious. I'll be glad when it is gone as it is hard to stop nibbling. It appeared that business was going great for him. The rest of the flea market was typical although we saw only a small part; we are told that a new part exists, so maybe we'll get back, at least for popcorn. We also got some excellent fresh produce, almost worth the trip. However, the highlight was looking for Joe, a really nice fellow, a second cousin to you of our children's generation.


Ada said...

Sounds like fun. We love flea markets so maybe you can take us there when we visit again. Love caramel corn also!

rk2 said...

I'm up for the Jockey Lot again sometime too. I think I was there Andrew and Mary Lee were really small. bills it as "Biggest in the South, Best in the World".

Cleve said...

Kathleen and I love flea-markets, too. We often come home with everything except money. I love trinkets. Kathleen is amazed at what I'd rather have than money. On the other hand, Kathleen will buy most anything she thinks the vendor is losing money on. And she loves a bargain but hates being told she's wearing one. Basically, the only voice I get in family shopping is the invoice. But it's still fun -- we'll have to stop at Jockey Lot sometime -- and maybe meet Joe, too. Thanks for posting, Aunt Mim.

Mim said...

Sounds like we've got three sets of Jockey Lot goers. So come on and we'll go. Remember that it's open only on Saturday and Sunday. Mark's boys like flea markets also. Wonder if we could keep up with them.