Thursday, February 3, 2011


We thought you'd enjoy seeing what Casey is doing at 11:30 pm. This is the best I could do with my little camera - in the dark - through the window. Don't know if Casey knew we were watching or not, and I have to say I held my breath everytime he ran that big tractor toward the garage 'cause it looked like he was going to run right through the garage door!
Good Job, Casey, thanks. I hope you get some sleep tonight.


Ann said...

Those Knobloch men know how to get the work done!

rk2 said...

I love watching when the guys to clean out my driveway and street. They come in the morning between 6:00 and 6:30 so I run out and pull open the curtain to peak out at them.

Casey's big tractor looks like way more fun to watch then the bobcat they use at my house!