Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rhoda's Kitchen Project

Since we seem to share projects here I'll let you click here to see my latest home project rather than adding the pictures on this blog.

I need to quit watching HGTV! I have lots of ideas but lack in skill, time, and tools.

One thing that did help me on this project was the palm sander I took when cleaning out Mom and Dad's shed in AL this summer. Don't worry--I asked before taking it!


Nog Blog said...

Oh, my! You have vision, and you actually accomplished the job! I'm very impressed!

Ada said...

I'll have to ditto Judy. Since I've enjoyed a few meals prepared in that kitchen, I have a pretty good image of it in my mind. You are so talented, and are always doing something constructive.

Cleve said...

Replacing a flourescesnt light bulb turned into quite a project.
And a successful one! Kathleen and I are impressed!