Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grace's Chorus Concert

Here's a video of Grace's chorus concert from last week. This was a combined chorus of the two middle schools and high school. Grace is in the third row behind a girl in a white shirt just to the left of the accompanist - you can just barely see her - again, clicking through to YouTube you can make it a little bigger.


Ada said...

Great music by that large choir - good experience for Grace. I'm sure she was doing her part as she has a beautiful voice and loves to sing. Is she dressed in black? I think I see her. Love you, Grace.

LynnK said...

Thank you, Grace, for your participation in a delightfull presentation. Simply beautiful and meaningful. Keep up the good work.
Uncle Lynn
Anderson, SC

Ann said...

I picked her out of the group - they are obviously very well trained and do well. It brings back memories of when I sang in a large school choir like that in junior high and high school. Thank you for posting it!