Monday, December 27, 2010

Klopfensteins in SC

Rhoda here logged in under Dad's account:

The K's in SC had a big day yesterday that began with the disappointing news that the roads were too bad for the Medlens to make the trip. We missed them tremendously yesterday and look forward to seeing Joey and Mary this afternoon for a short visit. We will miss seeing the girls this year for Christmas!

After church we all got together at Mom and Dad's new house for a wonderful turkey and ham meal. We all made it in the dining room with a card table added.

After Dad's comments earlier about missing heavenly hash, Molly, Mom and I all worked together to make it. (In my defense, I didn't know he liked it and would have gladly made it through the years as I missed having it.) Aunt Alice gave some phone and e-mail guidance on making it right, and we tried to follow Dad's direction that there must be plenty of whipped cream! It appears we've turned on the next generation to heavenly hash as well.

On Saturday night a snow started to fall and by 9:00 or so the boys were outside building snowmen. They had to use most of the snow in the front yard, but I think they did a pretty good job. The snow was very wet and packed very hard (I'll attest to that after being hit with a line drive by Jeffrey!), and today despite the sun the snowmen are still quite well formed in the front yard.


Nog Blog said...

A new location brings a few changes, but with everyone all around the table, the spirit of family is still the same. Too bad the Medlen family had to stay put, but safety first, for sure. As Dave would say (after 3 long days of snow plowing and dodging crazy people on the snowy roads): Stay home when the roads are bad!

Alice said...

Lynn, I am so glad you got to have some heavenly hash - thanks to Rhoda's determination.
We had a little accident with our dessert at Larry's. We were passing the heavenly hash around for the second time and the bowl slipped out my hand, fell on the table and broke into a million pieces (little shreds of glass everywhere). Thank goodness I had taken another tupperware bowl of heavenly hash so everyone had plenty and Larry even got to keep the rest of it.
I think there must have been a crack in the bowl to break so easily.

Ann said...

The heavenly hash was delicious - Rhoda did a great job.

So sorry about your glass dish. We had a jar do the same last night at Mom and Dad's - it took three of us to get all the shards off the floor.

On Christmas Eve I was making a finger food dish for my sister-in-law's gathering, and got my wooden spoon caught in the blender. There were little pieces of wood everywhere. Needless to say I threw it out and started over.

Ada said...

So glad to see the pictures of your family and are sorry the Medlen's couldn't be there. Lynn appears to be raising his fist with pure enjoyment of the heavenly hash. Looks like everyone is enjoying themselves in G&G's new home.