Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What happens...

...when you put 10 eggs into a pot on the stove to boil, then go off to do laundry, read emails, proofread books, etc.???

Answer: It STINKS in here!

...when the caller-ID says "Bromenn Hospital" and you answer it and they say, "Just wondered if you would like to come in this afternoon and help us out."

Answer: NO! (I'm sticking to the retirement plan!)


Mim said...

So sorry you forgot about the eggs on the stove. I am reminded of a comment Grandma K made: "When I forget, it is senility; but when you forget, it's just part of living." Her statement comes to mind often with the passing years!

Ada said...

Yes, Mim, I remember Mother saying that also and I totally agree with her!

Judy, keep sticking to your plan!!

Ann said...

I told you so! :-)

Ann said...

(about the phone calls that is.) BTW, I did the same thing with a pan of eggs about a month ago.