Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back to Ada's question, "What Keeps You Awake At Night..."

Well, the night-time antics never stop in the Knobloch household. I couldn't sleep last night, possibly due to too much diet pop yesterday. So I was on the couch, when suddenly at 2:30 am I heard a loud explosion, then another. I jumped up and ran to the back of our house...and there was Dave with blood running down his face, completely disoriented, and insisting he was running from a crumbling barn. It took a while to wake him up and then we examined his damaged face. We still can't figure out what he hit, as there doesn't seem to be any damage to the house anywhere, but he must have hit a wall or door. It looked like he had scraped about 8 inches of skin off the right side of his face, and possibly had broken a bone in his cheek. He cleaned up and put ice on it and slept in his chair until morning.

This morning, the swelling in the cheek was down, but he has a nasty swollen, black eye. He bandaged himself up, called off of work at IDOT, and headed out to the farm to run the tractor all day, chiseling. His only comment was, "See, this is why you don't take days off of work for no good reason, in case something like this happens!"

And I was emphatically told, "No pictures on the Internet!"

I hear thunder now, so maybe he will get rained out and have to come home.


Ada said...

Yikes! Did he consider going to the emergency room to see if he had any broken bones that needed tending? Oh, that's right, real men don't do that!

Nog Blog said...

Oh, yes, I suggested the emergency room, but of course, he wouldn't go, and frankly, I was sure they would question me about his injuries and I didn't want to go to jail. Looks like he was in a terrific fight.

Mim said...

We need an update on Dave.

Nog Blog said...

He is looking much better. Still scabby and a black eye, and he says he is not going to church tomorrow, but it is healing fairly quickly. And there's been no crazy dreams for 3 nights now, for which we are thankful!