Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer or el verano

It is always sad to see my favorite season in its last days. When I left work this morning I would have given anything to be on the beach in Evanston. I can almost hear the waves crash against the shore, feel the pebbly sand beneath my feet as the icy waves wash over me and remember sunbathing in literally a pink polk-dot bathing suit listening to my transistor radio. Right now, the Atlantic, the Gulf or Lake Michigan seem to be calling me to lie on the beach and hear the waves crash. Oh well.

Nick and Nathan have made their move to Kentucky, and Karla and her mother, Roxana, arrive this coming Sunday. I have diligently worked on my Spanish, and it is coming along. I have a collection of books, CD's and on-line sites. We leave for El Salvador in November, and by then, I will have it mastered. If only I had known someday I would have a daughter-in-law from El Salvador I would have tossed aside all that German I learned for Spanish. Meine mutter never would have stood for that! I am excited that Ron and I will spend 10 days touring volcanoes, the jungle, Mayan ruins and enjoying the Pacific ocean. Most of our friends think we are nuts, but this seems meant to be. If nothing else we will have a little warm sunshine in November.

Nathan is enrolling in Heritage Academy in Hopkinsville, and we will be there labor day weekend to check things out. Grandma and Grandpa are getting him a bike for his birthday and then will try to teach him to ride it. I am back to directing my choir and gearing up for another season. Nursing is as complicated as ever, and I don't take a single shift for granted. In all things, give thanks.



Nog Blog said...

I'm with you on yearning for the beach and a good whiff of salty sea air. A 10-day vacation sounds wonderful and exploring a new country would be so much fun. Hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

I have loved getting to know Linda through Facebook, the blog, and also at the reunion! Hope you catch you for a run one of these days...

Aunt Alice said...

I don't know why anyone would think you are nuts for going to El Salvador. I think it is wonderful.It will be quite an adventure! Keep us posted.

Ada said...

Sounds like a wonderful vacation - and I'm assuming a wedding also. You amaze me with all the things you do, Linda, you're such a high-energy person. Love hearing from you.