Thursday, May 20, 2010

What it's all about!

I have to admit that the last two days have been really challenging at work. I have had several arguments with my Japanese Coordinator (my adviser from our Japan office) regarding the fundamental direction of my department and some policies I have recently implemented. It all came to a head last night when he told me (over and over, louder each time) that he doubted my ability to be a manager. This morning we had a more civil conversation about it and have come to somewhat of an agreement. After that meeting I came back to my desk and found the below email from a former employee of mine in Alabama.

Senor Knobloch!
Thanks for accepting my invite. I recently discovered this Linkedin thing and it's so convenient to catch up with everyone. I had been in the dark for so long I have been so busy sorry I did not try to contact you earlier. I felt bad that I did not say good bye to you when I left (company name) I left you a voice mail and that was it! It has been bothering me for a while so I am glad I found you.

I wanted to tell you that you made a significant impact in my life. God sent you to (company name) at a time of very difficult uncertainty in my life at a personal and professional level. I think all of us had a very challenging experience in Cottondale and most of us had to go at some point because it was so brutal. But I truly believe that had it not been for you I would not had survived as long as I did. I thank you for your coaching, listening and specially defending me when no one seemed to care. Regardless of your experience in (company name), if it was positive or negative you can be sure that you made a difference in at least one individual's life and family.

On behalf of my wife and two children we all thank you for all you did. May God bless you always.

Your Friend, Miguel

NOW THAT IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT! I now have the energy and willpower to fight on today, regardless of the challenges within my own management team. If I can make that kind of difference in the lives of my current employee's, then it will have been worth it anyway. EDK


Nog Blog said...

What a nice testament, and it came at the right time. You don't always realize the impact you have on others. Hope things settle down with the other situation.

Ann said...

That's how I feel about teaching school. Last night was graduation, and it was a joy to see 29 seniors, who I've taught five times over the past five years in various courses, walk the stage.

marym said...

Cool. We're all "missionaries," right in our own sphere of influence. Thanks for sharing!