Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Thought

For all you hoarders - and non-hoarders out there --

A few years ago a friend said to me, "Did you ever think about the fact that life consists of moving piles from place to place?"

Think about it - (Actually, maybe don't think about it - it will drive you crazy.) :-)


Shelley S said...

That is a scary thought! A few years ago when we were going through Sam's Grandma's stuff someone made the comment, "This is what life is all about... accumulating a lifetime's worth of things that eventually your family will divide up and get rid of."

Carol said...

Shelley, that makes me want to get rid of it right now! I have to think of Mother (Anna) and how organized she kept her house. Anything she really didn't need (or treasure) was soon disposed of.