Friday, March 19, 2010

. . . still more of Alice Caroline

Jesse, Anna & Timon meet their new sister. Daddy is also delighted (top photo). Grandpa Perry wanted you to see these pictures also. . . . Grandma Carol


Ann said...

I was out of commission all day yesterday at a fine arts festival, and came back to all these beautiful pictures. She is really alert, and I really enjoyed looking at them all - thanks for posting.

Ada said...

Wow! That lucky baby girl sure has a handsome daddy who's loving her already, agreed?!

Ada said...

The big sister/brothers look pretty pleased also. I'm sure they'll be lots of help.

Re. Angela's comment earlier, I wouldn't wish the name Ada on anybody - although as I get older I don't mind it as much as I used to. Many times now when I meet older people they tell me oh I had an aunt or a mother named Ada - or a younger person will say I never heard that name, it's pretty - or some such statement.

rk2 said...

Little Alice looks a lot like her big sister, and I also saw how much Maria looks like her mother in the photo in the first post. I'd never noticed the resemblance before.