Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Classic Klop Photo

I remember seeing this picture at Grandma Klopfenstein's (wasn't it framed?) years ago. Not bad considering there was no such thing as photoshopping back then! What is the story behind it?


Ada said...

You do know that's Barry Goldwater, don't you? Do you even remember him?

Ann said...

Yes, I knew that was Goldwater. He was a little ahead of my time in terms of political interest - he ran for president when I was 6 years old. Where were Perry and Ralph that they saw him, and who put the picture together?

Mim said...

I think Goldwater was speaking in Pontiac at the time that pic was made. Goldwater was very unpopular in North Alabama with the less affluent because the word was that the folks would lose their electricity because of Goldwater and TVA.

Cleve said...

I might be able to explain more about the picture, but I'd rather Uncle Perry explain it in more detail before I try to -- he was very proud of the photo at the time. I think Aunt Mim is correct that it was taken at Pontiac.

Perry said...

It is confession time. The photo is doctored somewhat. It was about 1962 and I was a part-time laborer at Klopfenstein Grain Co, and Ralph was the owner/mgr. We both followed politics closely. We indeed had our picture taken with Sen. Barry Goldwater at Pontiac, but there was an elderly gentleman next to Goldwater, and we had a photo shop take him out, making it look like were "right in there" next to the Senator.

In 1964, Barry Goldwater ran for president, and I actually thought he would win, and was quite rabid for him. But he lost in a big way to Lyndon Johnson.

At any rate, I still have that photo, enlarged, and plan to use it in my autobiography, but of course with the "confession." Such is good for the soul!!

I have over 300 pages written per my autobio, and am still working. A big project, for my grandkids and others to read.

Cleve said...

U. Perry,
Glad you came clean. I did know of the cropping, but wanted it to come from you. (you and Dad were about 50 years "ahead of your time" with photo-cropping, etc. apparently).

Ann said...

Well I remember knowing about the cropping all along, even as a child, and thought it was kinda "cool" - so don't be too concerned that you had to make a big confession. :-) Actually, I thought it was a pretty good job considering it was before the days when computers made such things easy.