Friday, January 8, 2010

Who makes sour dough bread?

A while back, a friend of the Medlens brought her sour dough bread for a Medlen birthday dinner. It was very good and Lynn raved about it. The friend offered the recipe and Lynn gladly accepted. So at Christmas Joey brought a bowl of starter that the friend had sent for us. So three days ago I tried the recipe, which indicated one could wait a week or more to feed the starter. The dough didn't seem right (it really looked more like a batter--obviously needed more flour, but I followed the amounts as the recipe said). Finally, baked the bread yesterday afternoon and today I threw the baked bread out into the yard for the birds. Even the mocking birds refuse to eat it after a bite or two.
I do make an overnight sour dough bread that our family and friends like very much.
Here the starter is made the night before the baking. That I can handle, but I'm not built to regiment my life around baking bread! What say ye?


Nog Blog said...

I'm not a bread maker, or baker of much of anything...but I did have some "starter dough" of some kind years ago. Unfortunately, I just couldn't hack baking up some concoction that had set on my counter for days fermenting and growing and I thought kind of stinking. Too freaky for me.

Alice said...

Several years ago someone gave me some starter dough. I followed all the directions, adding this one day and something else the next day. And I agree with Judy it stinks. I did make the bread but it wasn't very good. We did have a lady that brought sour dough coffee cake to our quilting ladies at Restmor. It was very good! It's all too much work for me. Yesterday I made honey cookies. Remember Mother's honey cookies? Mine turned out very good. Seven minute icing too.

Ada said...

Mim, you are already the best bread-maker so I guess you'll just have to stick to your current recipes - your man already loves that! I went through the starter dough phase many years ago. As I recall it was good but waaaay too much trouble for me when one can buy perfectly good bread at the store. That's also the way I feel about growing/canning vegetables/fruits -- why spend all that work and time when you can buy a can of green beans for $.65 (that's generic, on sale of course)or buy fresh veggies/fruit?

I'd much rather sew, or do some other crafty thing.

rk2 said...

I did the starter thing once as well and remember thinking it was way too much work to "babysit" this stuff in a bowl day after day after day. Then to top it all off when it was time to bake it, I didn't turn the card over to see the final steps and just baked what was in the bowl. I think I ended up throwing out the pan and everything as it wouldn't come out without a chisel, and I'd already spent too much time on that bread.

Carol said...

Alice, your cookies sound wonderful! I used to love Mother's honey cookies, but I haven't had any for a long time.