Saturday, January 9, 2010


It's 9 am. I just got up, made a pot of coffee, and came straight to my computer -- beat Jerry to it today, yaaayyy! It's raining fairly hard outside right now, guess I won't get my morning walk.

Yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time browsing the shops at St. Armand's Circle. Started with The Foxy Lady thinking maybe I could get something "classy". Ha, that didn't work with t-shirts costing over $100 and most items were $250 and above - and more importantly nothing in there looked like anything someone would wear in Gridley!! Actually, all the stores were either not my style or too touristy. But I enjoyed the browsing.

After that, we went to the other extreme and shopped at the Red Barn Flea Market. If you've been to a Florida flea market you know what I mean. We love to go there and look at the junk and watch the people. When we left there, we decided to take some local streets and find our way home - got "caught" in a very undesireable neighborhood and commented how sad it would be to grow-up and live in that environment. Then we noticed blinking lights ahead. Sure enough, there were about 6 police cars and a bunch of policemen surrounding young people with their hands on cars and some being handcuffed. I said to Jerry "I wonder what it is - drug bust or murder?" How difficult it must be for children to rise above that and become productive citizens. It made me very thankful for all my blessings - especially for family.

We finally stopped in at the Sarasota Visitor Center yesterday and picked up some brochures - mostly for restaurants with "normal" food since most of the ones around the Circle have menus we don't understand. I'll try to get some pictures taken one of these days.

Hope you're all enjoying the snow.


rk2 said...

You are right about the many privileges that our family has been blessed with. I teach a class on Current Social Issues and one thing that really stands out to me is the many barriers some people have to overcome just to have what we would consider an average to good life. Think about the many, many children in that neighborhood who see that type of thing day after day, and when we see someone "come out" of that type of life we really don't have an idea of what they've faced and defeated.

It's easy for me and others to say "get an education, get a job, work hard, study hard, and you don't have to stay in that life", but to be hit with obstacles day after day would be very hard for a young person to overcome.

OK, I'll get off my soapbox. : )

Glad you made it back safely and enjoy your shopping.

Have you considered a second computer so you don't have to compete? It seems to work for my parents.

Ada said...

Rhoda, we have two computers at home, but couldn't carry the desktop along with us. We're very compatable, though, so it's really not a problem. And I've always got my sodoku book if nothing else!