Monday, January 25, 2010

Redneck Retta - Warning Graphic Photos

I've been having Internet Explorer issues on my new work laptop and therefore have not been able to log into the blog and post. I got the IT Manager to install Firefox today, so I'm back at it.

I've started my new job at ATS in Lawrenceville, IL building seats and other car parts for the Toyota Highlander and Toyota Sequoia. Retta and the kids are in Alabama still, waiting of the house to sell and participating in home school and church commitments until it's time to move. I've been heading home every couple of weekends to see the family.

For those of you on Facebook, you may have seen Retta's status last night. It was: "Watch out, I'm deadly with a gun!!!! That's right, I SHOT AND KILLED that stinkin armadillo! Eric shot first (and missed) then it ran into it's hole. We dug and then flushed him out with the garden hose...3 shots and 3 hits! I ROCK!! Pictures soon to follow..."

Well, long story longer, over the past 2 months, I've noticed each time I've gotten home that there are more and more holes dug into the yard and I've blamed the neighbors dog for doing it. A couple weeks ago, Retta observed an Armadillo digging the holes in our back yard in the middle of the night when she took the dog out to use the facilities. She determined at that time that we needed to kill it and she's been on the look out ever since. Yesterday afternoon, as I was preparing to leave Alabama to head back to Illinois, I spotted the Armadillo in the back yard digging again. Chris went and got our 22 revolver, I took aim, and missed. The Armadillo ran under our pop-up camper and into a hole it had dug there. Bear, our neighbors dog, really wanted into the hole, but was obstructed by the camper.

We moved the camper and observed the hole was quite deep, at least 2 feet deep and 3 ~ 4 feet in length. We couldn't see the armadillo at all, but Bear was quite adamant that he was going to dig until he found it. We flooded the hole with a garden hose and out came the Armadillo, where Retta proceeded to fire 3 well placed 22 bullets into it's body. It kicked and squirmed, and died right there in the hole. Hopefully, that is the end of torn up yard, and I'll sure be more careful around my wife when she's got the pistol out.

Below are pictures of the adventure.

BTW, to make it even better, Retta was still dressed in her church clothes. Should have gotten a picture of her to show her off with her Pistol! EDK


Nog Blog said...

Yuck! Way to go, Retta!

Nog Blog said...

BTW Eric, do you have personal email yet? Wanted to let you know you can come here any week-end...this coming week-end would be good.

rk2 said...

Woo-hoo, Retta!!!

Someday I'll share my muskrat story. Let's just say there was one dead muskrat and one spent bullet.

Ada said...

Never shot a gun in my life - except a capgun as a child.