Sunday, January 24, 2010


One of our favorite things in Florida is the Flea Market. We spent a couple hours there this afternoon. I wanted to get EVERYTHING, and Jerry wanted NOTHING! For example I really wanted a cute little fur jacket, books, shoes, a comforter set, sheets, watch, dominoes, bags (and bags and bags!), sweatshirt, jeweled t-shirt, a cute little halter-top swimsuit cover-up, and that's all I can think of right now. Now you get to guess: I came home with three items, and Jerry came home with two items (even though he really wanted nothing). Let's see if anybody can guess what we bought.


Cleve said...

Ada: a $6 watch, the jeweled top, a $2 Rubbermaid container

Jerry: a $4 leather wallet and new $3 sunglasses (he's wearing them in the pool?)

Nog Blog said...

A pair of shoes, one bag, and the cute fur jacket for you.

For Jerry, a book and a tool of some kind.

Alice said...

A book, comforter set,and a bag
(or maybe 2).

Jerry, a book and dominoes so you would have something to do when it rains.

Cathy said...

Ada: Flip flops and sunglasses

Jerry: Ummm, a new swimsuit and a box of Depends? Just kidding!!!! No, really a tie and a nailclipper. (shrug)

Mim said...

Ada bought three different items to be used in crafts. Jerry,a gadget and something to read.
When do we learn the answer to your purchases?

Ada said...

So far Cleve had one correct, Judy 2, Alice 3, and Cathy 0. All good guesses. Tomorrow I'll let you know what we bought. By the way, Cleve, the watches are now $10 - inflation since you were here.

rk2 said...

Ada: jeweled t-shirt, a bag and fur jacket

Jerry: a tool and dominoes

From my original guess after reading the post and then reading the comments, I changed one thing for Ada and added one for Jerry.

Ada said...

Here's the exciting news some of you hav)e been waiting for. I bought a $6 mini-bag (authentic leather) for when I don't want to have a heavy bag, a couple books, and a $10 watch. Jerry bought two $1 packs of three dishtowels to use for waxing the car, and a book.

Since you seem to think the $29 fur (so soft and real I'm sure)jacket and the $10 jeweled shirt are SO ME, I might just get them when we go back in a couple weeks.

I really loved a comforter set and think it would have provided us a good palate for our bedroom, but who knows when we will actually redo our room and by then it might be outdated.

Great sunny day today - yeaahh! We hear you have more snow!!

Ada said...

Me again - I get really frustrated with this keyboard - my curser keeps jumping around and I keep hittine the wrong keys - see, told you so. Thought I had them all corrected, but sorry I did't - these I"m leaving. tired offixing them.