Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and some Old Pictures Also

The Bailes are having our usual disjointed Christmas. Mike has to work today (he will get to Alabama by Sunday for our Christmas here), Andrew has to stay in SC because he is in a wedding tomorrow (who plans a wedding for December 26?!!), and Mary Lee and I came on over to Alabama today. However, our power went out right as I was going to Andrew's bedroom to tell him he needed to go ahead and bake the sweet rolls he was making for Christmas breakfast. (Along with a "frittata" recipe he got off of Food Network - he is turning into a budding chef.) So Andrew and I drove into our school to bake the rolls in the daycare kitchen. Unfortunately, I did not properly un-set the alarm. So the head of maintenance got a phone call from the security system and had to make a trip in to see who was breaking in the complex. Did I ever feel bad about that!
Anyway, Mary Lee and I are here now, and I have found a lot of old Christmas pictures from years past. (And get ready - I'll probably be looking through old photo albums tomorrow to see if I can find more.)

Merry Christmas to all the EJKs, and I have really enjoyed all of the interesting Christmas posts!!!


rk2 said...

Who is the baby Mary is holding in the top picture, and who are the two babies U. Ralph and A. Catherine are holding in the second picture. That was the year quite a few K's came to AL for Thanksgiving I think.

Ada said...

Rhoda - the top picture is our three kids at our old house in Washburn. Gloria came for a visit and the other two kids are Jamie holding Jody. Does look a little like Mary. I have always loved that picture.

Cleve said...

Great pictures! Ada's no doubt right about the top picture. The next pic is mom holding Shelley and dad holding Crystal. The older girl is Jamie and in front of her is Eric with Jodie, I believe, at lower left. It's at a rented 900-acre farm near Carlock cattle farm where Dad and Marty raised cattle, 1974. The rest of the pics are from mom and dad's brick home at N. Gridley, a Christmas gathering where nearly everyone was present. Cute kids!!