Friday, December 25, 2009

Call me "Bird Lady"

Merry Christmas! I'm over at Mom & Dad's for Christmas Day. I've been wanting to tell the following silly (but true) story for awhile. It reminds me of all the funny animal stories that Shelley has.

A couple of weeks ago, I needed to drop something off at my parent's house. It was dark, cold and raining. Mom said she'd leave the door unlocked so I could get in out of the rain quickly. I pulled into the driveway and ran onto the porch. To let them know I was there, I rang the doorbell as I flew into the front door which had a huge Christmas wreath on the outside. All of a sudden, I realized a small bird was directly under my head, flapping its wings in my face with all its might. I screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs over and over. In the meantime, my parents heard my desperate screams and came running up from the basement. I must have tried to move further into the hall to get away from this creature that was still flapping away, but my shoes were wet from the rain and one step onto the ceramic tile sent me falling to the floor (flat on my back) with one big thud. By this time, my parents were at the top of the stairs and saw me laying on the floor, still screaming, the door wide open. They thought I had been shot or attacked on the front porch. My mom was standing over me, screaming "What happened? What happened?" After a few moments, I started laughing uncontrollably. The bird must have flown out the open door and luckily didn't fly into the house. We think the bird must have been in the wreath and became startled when I burst onto the scene. Mom & Dad helped me up, rug burns and all. The whole event took all of 15 seconds, but seemed to last forever. I was a little sore the next day from the fall, but I still had a good laugh at this unusual occurance!


Ann said...

I admire you for laughing, Crystal! Something like that is the ULTIMATE in frightening for me. I would feel like I was in a bad movie.

Ada said...

Crystal - sorry, but I laughed all the way through this story and was really glad to hear at the end that you weren't seriously hurt. I can imagine how scared you were - I would've been screaming and dancing around also. I think this story deserves some sort of a 2009 prize when Ann does her prize announcements.

Shelley S said...

Thanks for sharing Crystal - I laughed and laughed! I can just picture it. Definitely in line for a 09 prize!

Nog Blog said...

What a scary thing! For you and your parents! And probably the little bird, too!