Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Yes, Retta is back in the hospital with another attack of her pancreas as Mom posted earlier today. She is scheduled for a "scope" of her pancreas on Wednesday morning to try and find the cause. In the process they will enlarge the duct openings to the pancreas to try and help her condition. However, the side effect is the pancreatitis could get much, much worse as a result of the procedure. Pray it all goes well.

On another note, while driving home from Lawrenceville IL on Monday (a whole other post topic that I'll address in the near future). I had to work night shift when we got home and I had packed a "BSC" shirt to wear to work. Of course, BSC is where I worked when we lived in Bloomington/Normal. Chris brought up the fact that we have two very warm blankets with the BSC logo on them and he stated that he had wondered why we had them. The answer: "one of my suppliers was concerned that our small children would freeze during the Y2K catastrophic events and made them for us." Putting the BSC logo on them avoided any ethical gift receipt issues.

So, the kids asked, "What's Y2K?". Wow, Y2K was 10 years ago. We told the kids what it was and about some of the preparations people made a head of the new year. We only prepared a little, buying a 50 lb bag of rice, instant soup, a couple gallons of water and propane for our camping stove. I still have some of the propane and we donated the rice to VBS about 5 years ago for a craft project.

How did you prepare for Y2K and do you still have any of those supplies on hand? EDK


rk2 said...

I didn't buy anything or prepare for Y2K.

Mary should probably tell this story, but I will. Y2K was a few weeks before she and Joey got married. AL is 6 hours behind Greenwich time which the airlines run on. Joey was flying from Dallas, I think, into Huntsville. A few minutes before 6:00 he was talking with the tower of the area he was flying through, and they made a comment about if anything happens at 6:00 p.m. that he would be on his own.

At 6:00 p.m. he heard nothing from the control tower. He told his passenger that when they got to Huntsville that he could land without the tower, but if the lights were out, that would be a different story.

After a few minutes the tower came back on as they had teased him with the silence.

A few details may be wrong, but that is pretty close to what he told us that evening.

Aunt Mim said...

How did Retta's procedure go this morning and what was the conclusion? We're concerned and praying for all.

Re Y2K: We didn't do anything as I recall except have a couple of extra gallons of water on hand. My pantry is perennially pretty well stocked. Just the two of us don't require much food and we try to eat somewhat reasonably to keep the extra weight off. Success there is questionable.

Ada said...

We thought it was "much ado about nothing" so we did nothing!

Nog Blog said...

Dave got a generator and did a few more things, but I can't even remember. I do know we went to church that night and some friends went with us, as they said that would be a good place to be. We had a big church meeting about Y2K a couple of months before the big date, as some of the people were pretty riled up about it and making great preparations. The hospital had a command center all set up and manned that evening. HA - NOTHING happened.

Ada said...

I saw a truck in Bloomington this afternoon that had a sign on it:

"The world is going to end on 11-11-11. Are prepared?"

Are you prepared? Jerry

Drake said...

I thought it was supposed to end on December 21, 2012 - the date on which the Mayan calendar ends.

marym said...

Rhoda has an amazing memory. I would not have remembered that story. I mainly remember that Joey wanted to get married on 1-1-00 but I thought it was a bit to risky. Of course, hindsight shows that it would have been fine but hey that would have meant planning a wedding in 2.5 months rather than 3.5! (I'm still very thankful for all those who came and all those who tried to come but weather prevented.)

With 4 children, Joey felt it necessary to be prepared and he had stocked up some.

Yes, Drake, I've heard that date mentioned several times too. Chuck Colson had a good "Breakpoint" on it yesterday: http://www.breakpoint.org/commentaries/13314-2012-or-bust -- if anyone is interested.

Shelley S said...

We didn't do anything special for Y2K. I have a little of my dad in me so I thought it was all a big 'conspiracy'.

We went to a party with family after church. They a computer there that wasn't Y2K ready (it still had the 2-digit date for the year). So as it rolled into 2000 everyone watched to see if the computer would 'crash'. It didn't.

One funny tidbit to add... we all got a kick out of the fact that my Mom couldn't say Y2K. She always called it KY2000. Can you tell she works in an OB ward?

Carol said...

It reminds me of the current fuss about H1N1.

Tim - Cathy said...

We served lunch at church on Jan. 2, 2000. My big fear for Y2K was that the doughnut ovens might not work. That was about it. And the doughnut oven worked fine and everyone had plenty to eat!


Ada said...

I like that one, Cathy.