Friday, November 13, 2009


I have not feared Friday the 13th since my 13th birthday which was on a Friday and nothing bad happened. So those of you who are "fearful" -- just give it up!!!

Jerry is up and out early this morning for his weekly breakfast with buddies. I kinda miss it now that I don't have to take him. He thinks he's pretty smart these days, now that he can just up and go wherever and whenever he wants all by himself. And I think it's wonderful also! When he gets home, we plan to clean the house, and later we're going out to dinner with friends.

Here is a picture of my latest creation. The snowmen are appliqued - my first time using this process and it was fun.


Carol said...

Your snowmen are cute and your talent is great! Thanks for showing us what you create. If you want something fun to do today or tomorrow there are Jolly Trolley rides in Pontiac with a tour of the Walldogs (paintings on sides of old buildings). See the ad in the Pantagraph. Our store is in on the promotion with a drawing for a free Lang wall calendar. We did some painting this summer (spruced the place up) and we're all decorated for Christmas and we'd love to have you stop in.

Ada said...

Sounds like a fun day in Pontiac today - we'll see if we can fit it in.