Friday, November 13, 2009

Aunt Mary

There were fourteen responses to an early November blog entry especially about cutting the lawn grass. That was indeed an experience in the early 40's. Yes, Cleve, I well remember the little well pump outside the back door. It was fascinating to pump away and then the water came! Next to the well pump was a huge apple tree. I'd usually stop to get one on the way back to school from eating lunch at home. (No such thing back then as a school cafeteria.) Everybody went home for lunch. In the fall the big red juicy apples were a delightful part of walking back to school for the afternoon that finished at 3:40.
In addition to the well pump and the apple tree was the "privvy"! If you walked within 20 feet of this facility, you would easily pick up the scent that was not light. It would nearly gag a maggot! There was something charismatic about needing to use this facility. How time flies by! If there was a big family gathering like Christmas there was only one bathroom for 50-70 people so the folks had to resort to the "privvy". It beat nothing or the alternative!
And then the "shop" was like a mystery house. It was always interesting to just look around for the old stuff that was stored there. And Bert Bluminshine drove around the side of the building and drove into a "garage" from the back side. My dad, EJK, usually had a few cows and the 2 or 3 lots back there were fenced off. We boys had to always watch the cows particularly if they would break out.
If some of you older Grandma Sophia descendants would record your memories, I'd be happy to assemble and help retain some of the great history that is gone upon demise. How about it. Let some of the family who are not on this blog know about it.


Cleve said...

Interesting memories of Aunt Mary's yard, etc. That sophomore year when I mowed A. Mary's yard, I also mowed Unlce Joes (N. side of town, 7th St.) which was also 2 lots. Upon finishing, he'd take me to his basement for a cold bottle of Oh-So Strawberry pop from his basement fridge while he'd sip on a cold beer. I also mowed the yards of Uncle Chuck & Aunt Minerva, Joe Funk, Sophia Witzig, Grandma Slagell, and occasionally Grandma K's (Perry's).

Ann said...

I would like to hear some more about that house and yard myself as I've never known much about it.

Ada said...

Well, I never mowed anyone's yards, but I do remember the old push mower. I might've mowed our square front yard a few times, but wasn't strong enough to do anymore than that.

I remember the water pump in Aunt Mary's backyard. Someone told me I couldn't use it and I was afraid. I also remember the shed and the women in the family making lye soap there in a big cauldren. They made me stay away because I might get burned. I was always afraid to go in that shed because something might get me! Could it have been big brothers or cousins that liked to terrorize the little girls - whoever it was, I guess it worked because I truly don't ever remember going more than a couple steps inside, then running out!

For many years, Aunt Mary ran a boarding house for single teachers. As I recall there were four bedrooms in the upstairs - the two back rooms were very scary! Both men and women stayed there and there was only one bedroom for them to share. Can you imagine them all getting ready for school each morning? -- must've worked out some kind of schedule. I think I might've snooped up there when noone was around.

Later, she ran a "rest home" of sorts. She kept old people who couldn't stay home by themselves, but didn't really need professional nursing care. Occasionally she would call me to come sit with them if she needed to go someplace for a short period of time. There was a Mrs. Schrock - a sweet little old lady (probably 65 or so - ha ha) with white hair in a little know on top of her head. She washed it once a week preferable with rain water which they saved, then would dry it in the sun by brushing it as she bent over. Hmmm I guess in the winter she just had to let it dry inside. She talked and talked to me when I stayed there.

Cleve said...

ADA: Four boarders -- both men and women -- with only one "bedroom"?? Palease!!! I'm sure you meant one bathroom...thanks for the info and the memories. Again, I think one of her boarders was Joe Grace, a major league baseball player, of sorts. And, several of my own school teachers. Shame on you for snooping!

Ada said...

ooops! Yes I meant bathroom - guess I don't proofread well anymore. And I don't think I'm allowed to edit comments, just posts. So . . . guess I'll just leave it as is.

Ann said...

All I remember is that sometimes someone would point to that house and say that it was Great Grandma and Aunt Mary's house. All of my memories are from Perry's "homestead." Could someone post an old - or a new - picture of the house? That would be great.