Thursday, September 17, 2009

Uncle Tom's Cabin

I've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Working with plants again this morning and almost have that job done. While I work, I've been listening to books on tape...Uncle Tom's Cabin is what I'm listening to now, so I'm being cultured as I work! I don't remember ever reading the book before. I think it has been removed from public schools and I always thought that was due to the slavery issue, which is really a bit shocking in places, but there is a lot of reference to Christianity and Jesus saving souls and meeting the Maker in the over yonder. Wonder if some of that also influenced the removal of the book from public education. Anybody know the history of all that?


Mim said...

I read the book so many years ago that except for the pathos, I can't remember much about it. Some of my students at LCCS were watching a DVD of it and, being of the Pollyanna era, I couldn't take some of the cruelty. For that matter, I couldn't handle "Roots" either.
Supposedly, when Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, the book's author, he said, "So you are the woman that caused the Civil War!"

Nog Blog said...

It really is sometimes outrageous what was written about the slaves in this book. Lincoln may have been right!

Carol said...

It has been a long time, but I remember being impressed with the Christian content of the book. I'd like to read it again.

Ada said...

I remember reading the book, but not any details therein. I used to love reading books about plantations and slaves - even enjoyed watching Roots.