Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fall Harvest

Keith finished digging his potatoes. He got a little over a bushel. All summer the vines looked so nice and we had plenty of rain, but the potatoes are the ugliest we have ever had. They all have "scabs" on them and there are a lot of small ones. Oh well, they are edible.

We also picked the apples today from our Red Delicious tree and we got 3 1/2 bushels. What will we ever do with all those apples? Sol Rassi just came to mow our yard so Keith gave him at least a bushel. He is always thrilled to get apples. We will give a lot of them away and we will have plenty to eat for quite a while. (When I got up this morning Keith was up on the ladder picking. I quickly got up and rushed to hold the ladder for him.) All went well, no falls.

We have 4 tomato plants and they are producing very few. I canned 6 pints of juice and we just eat the rest. They are soo good.



Drake said...

I'll take some of your's the best!

Carol said...

Thanks for the gardening update. What a great hobby that produces something worthwhile. I've given up vegetable gardening years ago and we never did have any fruit. We've enjoyed green beans from Elizabeth's and then Charity's gardens and they are soooo good.

Rhoda said...

It's fun to dig potatoes just to see what's down there in the dirt although I haven't been real successful with potatoes in my three years of trying them.

Ann said...

I always enjoy hearing about your gardening exploits! and thought about you this morning when I bought some STORE applesauce - almost a travesty, isn't it.