Thursday, August 13, 2009

End of Summer

Around here, we're pretty bummed when summer's over. I am looking forward to the day when I don't have to dread winter so much. Despite our despair at seeing the bottoms of the corn start to turn brown, this summer's end has a different feel than usual.

Nathan will be moving up to a new classroom. In fact, he'll skip the next class and go on to the next -- pre-pre-K! So instead of being the oldest in the room, he'll be the youngest. He's quite excited about this as he knows a couple friends who will be in this room too.

Heater is signed up for Driver's Ed, which we did not authorize, but which she is excited about. I will not be teaching her how to drive. We will see if Jerry does. Doesn't it seem that parents would have to give permission for them to be in Driver's Ed?

Heather's in her new apartment, and quite happy. We do not see much of her, but are glad she has an active and busy life.

Kelsie and I will leave next Tuesday for Jacksonville University. She's got a huge pile of college stuff in her room, and we've been making decorations all week. I will post a pic next time. She picked the colors black, yellow and gray for her room because of a comforter she found, but then we couldn't find any accessories. It's all turning out really cute, and it's been fun to work on.

Jerry completed his Master's Degree this week, so no more school for him! Yes!

So, in a week, our house will be so quiet. Kids back in school, one in Florida, one in her own apartment, Jerry done with school. Instead of just be lazy, I'll probably start off on something like training for a marathon or something. Wonder what kind of crazy idea I'll get this time. Wish I could just relax!


Ann said...

That is a lot of changes for one time - many endings and beginnings. We've got a table stacked full of college things also. Around here the theme is pink, white, and black stripes. :-)

marym said...

Angela - remember you're German; you're not supposed to relax! It's hard for me too.