Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cleve's pumpkin

There's no way I can keep up with all the outstanding Klop "gardens", such as those of Rhoda, Ada, Ann, etc. etc. But this year I wanted to surprise the grandboys with something new, so I planted about 10 kernals of sweet corn and a very tiny pumpkin patch hoping to nurture and fertilize just ONE pumpkin into a giant one. This morning it measured 4 ft. 9 inches around! Today I picked the first 6 delicious ears of corn with about 6 more ears waiting til they're "ready". That will be the whole crop. The pumpkin still has many days yet to grow but should allow Kathleen to make several pumpkin pies -- maybe???


Ada said...

Wow - what a coooool pumpkin. I'm impressed.

Ann said...

My garden! Are you talking about my one eggplant, six squash, and six tomatoes?? (Not plants, just actual products!) Rhoda is the gardener, not me. :-)

Have your grandboys read the Laura Ingalls Wilder story in FARMER BOY about Almanzo and his milk-fed pumpkin? They'd probably enjoy that after seeing Grandpa's big pumpkin.

Nog Blog said...

It's not only big, it's so perfect! Congrats!

LynnK said...

Cleve--you may have missed your calling. You must have a special touch to grow a pumpkin of that size.

Kathleen--Homemade pumpkin pie with cool whip is my favorite-- (Hint, hint!!!).

Rhoda said...

A very impressive pumpkin, and I agree about how its shape and color are so nice as well.

All you need is a pair of overalls and a straw hat to look the farmer part!

Alice said...

Keep fertilizing it and enter it in the Giant Pumpkin Contest at the Morton Pumpkin Festival in September.