Thursday, July 30, 2009


This is just a brief note that Jerry's surgery has been postponed. We checked in at the hospital this morning and Jerry had a fever of slightly over 100 and had developed a rash in the last 24 hours. The nurses, of course, were concerned, so they called in the surgeon and the anesthegiologist who decided to wait to do the surgery. They assume this is all a reaction to the potent antibiotics he has been taking - so he should stop the meds. Hopefully the rash will go away, the fever come down, and they can operate late next week. It's a bummer for Jerry!


Ann said...

I know that has to be a huge disappointment. To be ready to get it done and then have it delayed - I'm so sorry it couldn't be taken care of today. You are both in our thoughts and prayers as well as is Retta and family down in Alabama.

Nog Blog said...

So sorry to hear of the delay - after you got down there and everything. Praying the rash and fever disappear and your patience can carry you to next week.

Alice said...

We are sorry the surgery had to be postponed. Let's hope and pray the fever and rash will leave as quickly as it came.

All things work together for those who love the Lord. Our prayers are with you.

Ada said...

Just for the record -- 24 hours later, and two doses of antibiotics less -- temperature is 98.4, the cough has virtually disappeared, and the rash is disappearing. Talk about over-medicating!! We're going to look for another infectious disease doctor . . .