Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Retta Update

Retta's still in UAB West hospital in Bessemer AL. She has been with no food/liquids since Sunday morning. She had intense pain Sunday (she said worse than childbirth) and extreme vomiting and they have been giving her strong pain meds since Sunday morning. She has had an acute viral pancreas attack. She's been restricted to ice chips and pain meds/fluids through IV until today.

Today, they weaned her from the pain meds to Tylenol and tried to introduce liquids. She didn't react well to the Grape Juice and went back to morphine and ice chips. Amber had a "I miss Momma" meltdown this evening and she and I went back to the hospital at 9 tonight for a visit. Chris and Adrian are farmed out with friends and seem to be doing fine.

Retta's folks are driving down tonight and will be around from mid-day Wednesday through Sunday to help hold down the house, kids, and all the other things I normally don't handle and I am discovering I'm no good at. My mom is coming down Sunday I think, then heading off to writting camp with Adrian later next week.

The doctors are saying she will probably be in the hospital until Thursday or Friday depending on how she does with liquids/food on Wednesday. I know she's ready to come home! My employer has given me the liberty of being off as long as I need. I'll probably try and get a couple hours in tomorrow, Thursday and Friday depending on how Retta's doing adn how her mom and dad are managing with the kids.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. EDK


Ada said...

Thanks for the updates, Eric. I'm sure you'll be glad to have Retta's parents and then your mom to be there helping with all the chores of daily living as well as for moral support. Hope Retta can get off all those meds soon and begin eating again. We'll continue to pray.

marym said...

I hope they can get to the bottom of what's going on. Don't stop until you have answers. Thanks for keeping us posted and we'll be praying.

Carol said...

What an ordeal for you! Hopefully she will feel much better soon. Perry had pancreatitis in 1986 and was in the hospital for a week. He didn't eat anything for most of the week and just had an IV. They never did know what caused it and thankfully, he's never had it since. It's good your mom and Retta's parents can come to help!