Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where in the World is Catherine Klopfenstein?

Mom found this in her scrapbook. It says two things...Mom was a busy woman in 1988, and Dad kept meticulous notes on everything, as Cleve can tell you as he has sorted through all the various files Dad had. Another note: Mom says she doesn't remember any of it!


Cleve said...

I thought I'd commented on this earlier today, but it appears to have failed to post....
Yes, Dad was a meticulous record-keeper, even putting the date and check number on every invoice he ever paid. Then he put the cancelled checks in numerical order for storage...and stored them indefinitely! Yes, they were big travelers, too. Once, he and mom took the state-of-the-art Concord Jet (famous for breaking the sound-barrier with speed)to London and back and we kids didn't even know they had gone until long after they were home.

marym said...

Fascinating! Thank for posting

Ada said...

Your mom was quite the traveler. Wish I had some of your dad's recording skills - I know things we did, but struggle trying to remember just when it was.

Ann said...

It's also interesting to see some of those airline names that are non-existent now. That is quite a record of travel.

Ann said...

Trivia: You flew from Chicago to Pittsburgh to D.C. on the day Andrew was born.