Monday, June 8, 2009


Jen, let us know what the tests show today! (Bringing supper tonight, unless you are in the hospital!)

Rhoda, what IS that contraption you showed us?

Eric, how is the job situation, and did the gall bladder surgery work?

Ann, how are the kohlrabi's? And did you like them?

Shelley, how is the puppy working out?

Tim and Cathy, still eating chocolate?

I can update that Kayleen, Jen's mother-in-law has scheduled surgery for breast cancer on July 1. We're all praying for the best outcome of surgery, for her recovery, and for the physicians' decisions on further treatment plans.


Rhoda said...

I'll update with a picture in about 3-4 weeks when it is completed. No guess so far is correct. Although several have commented in person that it's another far-fetched or crazy idea Renae and I are doing together.

Mama Runner said...

I had a great appointment today. The extra rest and prayers are working, because my BPs have been great today, and Dr. S is encouraged that we just might make 34 weeks after all.

Ann said...

Well - I can't say that kohlrabi struck me as positively as it apparently does other Klops! Maybe it just has to grow in that good black dirt in the midwest.

Nog Blog said...

That's kind of what I expected...I think you have to acquire the taste from childhood. It's more of a feel-good than a taste-good, although if you did grow up with it, it's a wonderful early summer treat.

Eric - Retta said...

1st, the gall bladder removal appears to have fixed all my problems (OK, all my problems is a stretch). I feel great health wise and don't have any of my previous symptoms. Not all my stomach muscules have healed yet, and I have strained them a bit at times, so I'm trying to be careful there.

As for work, it's going ok. Sunday was my first day off since Memorial Day. We're working 12~16 hours on moving new business (from closing plants) into our plant as well as trying to fix our current quality issues. I've had corporate help the past few weeks and overall their feedback on my performance has been good. Time will tell.....but we keep at it.