Monday, June 8, 2009

Catherine's Archives

Dad was always interested in a costume party. Here's George and Martha Washington enjoying an evening out at a Heinold party. Dad loved to have Halloween parties for the kids, back when Halloween was a still a big deal in Gridley. As kids we used to roam the streets of Gridley freely, getting huge bags full of candy and enjoying the community event. Dad used to tell a scary "red-eye" story to the grandkids, and one night he put a carved pumpkin on his head, painted it up grossly with ketchup, and stared into a window at Mom, scaring her to death. Isn't that horrible?


Rhoda said...

How interesting. This is a side of Uncle Ralph that I had no idea existed.

Nog Blog said...

Wait til you see the next costume he came up with!

Shelley S said...

At one of the neighborhood Halloween parties they hosted, he came in the room with his head completely wrapped in tin-foil. He told a really scarey story and at the end he taped one big red eye on his head. I remember it being very suspenseful (to an 8-year-old) and in the end the villain was none other than "Red Eye"!

Eric - Retta said...

I've told the Red Eye story as best I could remember Grandpa telling it a boys camping trip last year around the fire. The kids were scared to death. A little while later, I snuck off and used a red cup and a flashlight in woods to scare the boys. Man, they were scared. Even had a parent "talk" with me about it later. I'd like to think I made Grandpa proud carrying on Red Eye like that.