Thursday, June 25, 2009


I don't mean to bore you, but Jerry is moving forward a little every day. Activities for the day usually include the IV two times a day, other variable activities include his sink-bath, watching "The Price is Right", usually a Cub's game in either the afternoon or evening, eating, afternoon nap on the bed, taking short walks through the house and looking out the windows, and managing his online virtual farm on Facebook (always has crops to plant or harvest and when he gets enough "coins" he buys more land.) The best thing of all - no pain!!

PT was here today and had him practice getting in and out of the car - we have to go to Dr. in B'ton tomorrow so now we know how to do that and won't have to fight about it!

As of yesterday, he's struggling with an itchy rash on his back - the Dr. said to take benedryl before the IV and it seems to be helping a little. I think some of it is due to the excessive heat - even with the air on he sweats just sitting in the chair. So we've turned down the air and have some fans circulating the air -- and believe it or not I actually suggested he go shirtless!

He's getting lots of cards and we've had friends bring in food including a cherry pie and porkchop/rice casserole from Jamie that was delicious! Thanks, you're a doll!

(We really don't fight - I just do what he tells me to do.)


Carol said...

Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how it's going and how often you are doing the IVs, etc. I'm so glad for him that there is no pain.

Nog Blog said...

Keep the updates coming. It is fabulous that there's no pain, but we know he is not a complainer and there must be some stiffness and soreness in that 17 inch incision and sitting in one position most of the day. Jerry and Jen, both laid up. Praying for both of you and everyone who is involved in your situations.

marym said...

You're not boring us at all; we like to hear how he's doing . . . and you, too, as the caregiver! Wish I could bring you a casserole too but I'm sure it wouldn't compete with Jamie's! Please continue to keep us posted.