Monday, June 15, 2009

Come on!

Some of you may be enjoying this cooler weather we're having in Illinois. But I like the sun and I like it hot! I pity all the little kids taking swimming lessons this week.


Ann said...

It is HOT and MUGGY here in the south. Mike and I have talked about going somewhere for a night since he's off until Thursday, but it's so hot neither of us has any desire to go. How cool is it up there?

By the way, the cover is off our pool and the water is crystal clear. Anyone want to come swimming?!

Anonymous said...

I am NOT enjoying this cool weather. We just got back from Jerry's mom and dad's in Southern Misourri, and it was nice and hot down there. How cool is it, Ann? We have not had our air conditioner on yet. You would be more comfortable outside with a jacket on today. Very weird weather.

Rhoda said...

We are finally reaching the low 80s and sunny today after a week or so in the 70s. I put a coat on at the off road races Saturday night kicking and grumbling the entire time because "You're not supposed to wear a jacket in June!!!" I still have a hard time wearing a sweatshirt in the evenings during the summer months.

No AC yet this year as well as the attic fan has kept the air moving and the house cool. It does make for nice sleeping at night to have a cool breeze.

I'm ready to get in the pool but 72-74 is just still a bit too chilly. It may be perfect after the warm temps today with the solar cover and my being hot from gardening tonight though.

Ann said...

It's been in the high 80s and low 90s in SC, and the humidity most days is about 90%. If it's that way mid-June, it is going to be a long miserable time until the cooler days reappear here - which won't be until about October.