Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Since everybody's giving updates, here's ours. Jerry saw the orthopedic surgeon yesterday. As most of you know, his hip has not been healing properly and he has moderate to severe pain (though not constant) and walks with a limp. Well . . . now the Dr. thinks it is probably a lowgrade bacterial infection and has ordered tests to confirm (or rule out) this theory.

Jerry had blood drawn yesterday, has a bone scan scheduled next Wednesday, and after the bone scan they will asperate the prosthetic area and test the fluid in an attempt to identify the exact strain of infection. If, in fact, that is what it is, it will require a fairly offensive administration of antibiotics and more surgery to fix it. If they do not find an infection, we're back to square one!

Our Dr. would not do the surgery, but would call in someone who specializes in this treatment. It's a possibility we would go to Rush in Chicago, but don't want to get ahead of ourselves in planning anything - just waiting now for a proper diagnosis. We have been googling the condition and it is not an easy fix!


Carol said...

I'm so sorry Jerry has had complications. How frustrating! I hope they can make an accurate diagnosis and treat him with success. We'll be praying to this end.

Ann said...

I hope you can get answers. Let us know.