Monday, April 20, 2009


We went to a performance by the Gridley Community Choir tonight at the old Gridley High Gymnasium - now the EPG Jr. High Gym. It was beautiful music directed by Eric Zehr and Lowell Litwiller. The choir had about 60 singers from Gridley.

The first half of the program was Christian Easter-related songs including He Rose Triumphantly, I believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary, We Shall Behold Him. The audience joined in the singing of Just as I Am, and Revive us Again.

The second Half of the program began with a Color Guard bringing flags down the aisle and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The Choir sang The Star Spangled Banner followed by A Tribute to the Armed Services during which veterans and/or families of the appropriate branch of the armed forces stood. They sang a few more songs ending with Let There Be Peace on Earth and The Blessing of Aaron.

It was truly a blessed evening - both spiritually and patriotically! Love you all - wish you could've been here.


Nog Blog said...

Sounds very impressive. Casey's had invited us, but working Saturday and Sunday nights made it just too hard to get there for the evening. Sounds like a really great thing to bring a small community together.

Ann said...

If we were closer we would have gone with you. Sounds like a great program.