Monday, April 20, 2009


We just had a quick spurt of pea-sized hail - but now, 10 minutes later, the sun is shining. You can see the small ice on our deck covering an old rug that blew off the lattice and a pile of shingles that blew off the roof a couple weeks ago.
Here you can see a light showing of small white hail among my beautiful first-year tulips.


Drake said...

Ummm...the forecast for here tomorrow includes snow. Y'all better hope we don't find jobs and a real estate bargain during our annual Charleston, SC, trip this Summer. We may not come back!

cleve said...

Oddly, Peoria had the very same weather phenomenons today as Gridley did -- hail, rain, sleet, total sunshine, and some "partly cloudy" periods. The old saying, "if you don't like Illinois weather, just wait 10 minutes".

Mim said...

More bad weather here last night. The evening service at church had just started, when Mary called on her cell phone. She was watching the weather on TV and a tornado was reported about six miles away and headed right for the church.
Folks went downstairs to the basement. Terrific winds and small marble sized hail appeared for several minutes and it was over. However, numerous area trees were down and some nearby buildings were damaged. One fatality (a 62 year old man) occurred fairly close to Decatur when two trees fell on his mobile home. Last night's tornado was the third in two weeks, quite a few more than most years. Drake, how would you like to swap your snow for dogwoods, azaleas, and tornadoes?

Eric - Retta said...

Mim, Sounds like you were at our church last night. We were about 1/2 way through choir practice and heard the sirens going off. I checked the internet on the "AV" computer and found the tornado was about 6 miles from church and heading our way. We went and got the kids from the gym and then kept on singing. No basement, so fortunatly the tornado went to the north of us. Quite a busy few weeks for tornado's down here, isn't it?

I used to love the snow, but this year, being back home at Thanksgiving, I really hated it and couldn't wait to get back to Alabama weather. I'll even put up with the summer heat to avoid that ice cold wind I think. EDK

Rhoda said...

Cleve, that's what I've heard about W. Michigan. We had sunny and low 70s on Saturday, 40s with rain on Sunday through today, Friday is to be back to 70 and Saturday to 75 with lots of sun after today. Just ridiculous I say.