Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday (1 day late!)

We've been celebrating Mom's birthday for over a week now and I'm having a luncheon for her tomorrow, so maybe it's okay that this birthday wish is a day late. Her 80th birthday was yesterday . . . Happy Birthday, Mom! Among many other things, you have taught me to give without expecting anything in return. . . thank you.

I wish you all could be here tomorrow to help honor her but know that's not possible. Now, back to my cleaning and shopping!


Mim said...

Telling on myself:

This afternoon I was at the mall to purchase a gift and, as usual, upon seeing a sale rack, I pawed through it. Upon seeing some blouses, I thought "Those are much too matronly looking for me." Then I almost had to stop and laugh right then and there! The blouses were not purchased.

Maria said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Mim! Honestly you are a very classy and vibrant 80 year old. I think you seem much younger.